Don’t add to your Pastor’s ‘frustrations’ and ‘burdens’ if you’re not willing to hold his or her hands, as demonstrated in the Moses, Aaron & Hur Diaries (Exodus 17:12-14).
Trust me, there are still pastors “AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART” (Jer. 3:15) out there, who defy the contemporary narrative regarding men and women of God. They have neither soiled their robes of white linen, nor sacrificed their integrity or reputations on the altar of cheap fame, the insatiable (almost maniacal) lust for filthy lucre ($$$) and power, not to mention inappropriate liaisons with the opposite sex.
In an age where many pastor’s are, admittedly, beholden to fame, fortune and females (or males, for that matter) these pastors continue to exemplify simplicity and selflessness in their walk, out of pure conviction and faithfulness to God and His call upon them. They have not succumbed to the wanton lust for private jets, stardom and riches, contrary to the rampant avarice being displayed by so many others in the ministry.
YES, they may not come a dime a dozen, so let us be discerning and also careful not to lump them all together with the ‘rotten’ bunch and, thus, throw out the baby with the bath-water. As Jesus indicated, “by their fruits you shall know them” (Matt. 7:15-20).
May I add, furthermore, that such pastors and leaders are increasingly becoming a rare and endangered species; Consequently, if and when we find them, let us lift up their hands and offer support and encouragement – lest they also buckle under the pressure. Suffice it to say, they are human too and do need committed and faithful Aarons & Hurs by their side & in their corner.
Doubtlessly, many faithful men & women of God are under a Satanic deluge & siege. Let’s start, at least, supporting them with our prayers.

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