Based on my biblical worldview, I am anti-abortion but pro-choice, although there’s no room on the spectrum for folks of my persuasion. I’m of the opinion that abortions necessitated by incest or rape must be permissible under the law, not to mention the larger issue of a woman’s right to choose – whether she does so rightly or wrongly. Freedom of choice is a divine right. God never ‘banned’ His creation, i.e. Adam & Eve; despite knowing their proclivities in advance, He still gave them the right and freedom to choose. Contraception, as intimated by Clarence Thomas, should not even feature in this discourse on rights. Why should it, anyway? Any legislation that criminalizes abortion (or contraception, for that matter) is extreme and wrong, in my view. With the right education, and the Church not ‘outsourcing’ its missional role and responsibility to politicians and justices of the law, but rather changing hearts by the power of the gospel (Romans 1:16), many will refrain from performing abortions, which is the Christian and right thing to do.

Is there a nexus between abortions and gun violence in this discourse? Yes, I believe there is. I’m unable to reconcile the values of a society which chooses to protect the unborn by banning abortion, yet is unwilling to restrain our nation’s penchant to idolize assault rifles, which are actually made for war – based on 2nd amendment rights. Obviously, we love and, in fact, have exalted our guns more than the God who gave us the right to own them; this is the very essence of idol worship.

Ultimately, spiritual ideals cannot be attained by carnal or political means (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Jesus and His disciples turned the Roman empire upside down, not through political power or influence, but spiritual. Neither is America going to return to God or become ‘Christian’ through politics and/or legislation without a commensurate change of heart and minds, the lack of which is the root cause of these wholesale abominations – abortions & gun violence.

May the Church learn a thing or two from the Master Himself & may the true/authentic Church of Jesus Christ emerge with truth and power from this nation’s unprecedented political, cultural & social morass – as ‘One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all’ – so help us God!

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